About Us

The Dawson Travel & Immunization Clinic is conveniently located at 89 Dawson Rd. Suite 215 Guelph ON. Our health team, consisting of certified vaccine and Immunization specialists is directed by Dr. Tom Tobin a certified member of the International Society of Travel Medicine.
The Dawson Travel & Immunization Clinic is a full service environment with fully trained nursing and travel medicine physician support to ensure that you receive the proper travel vaccines as directed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Our Travel clinicians will provide you and your family with everything necessary to ensure a healthy journey and a safe return. Our team of professionals and travel experts will ensure you are receiving the proper pre and post travel education in conjunction with the appropriate travel vaccines.
Our clinic administers a complete range of vaccines to protect you against diseases such as Hepatitis A and B, Yellow Fever and Rabies as well as traveler's diarrhea. Our clinic also administers various vaccines outside the scope of travel to address patient care like Shingrix, Pneumovax, Guardasil and TB skin tests.

We are a Yellow Fever Certified Clinic.